发布时间:2016-06-15 01:44:35


Wang Yiwei

The Belt and Road & Chinese Wisdom


Li Yong

Regional Cooperation in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Yangtze River Economic Belt- A Case Study of Chongqing


Aghavni Harutyunyan

China’s Belt and Road Initiative from Armenian Perspective



Kevin Rudd

President Xi Jinping's reforms and their implications for the U.S.-China relationship



Du Xuncheng

On Customary Law of the Modern Private Banking in Shanghai


Zhang Chuntian

Rethinking the late Qing literature


Jana Benická

The Modern Pioneer of the Quotation Style in Writing - Lin Yutang


Current Observations

Zhang Xiong

The Chinese Dream: Philosophy of Wisdom for China’s Future Development


Xuan Chuanshu

On China’s Road


William Jones

Creating a Knowledge-based Economy


China and the World

Yang Jiemian

Chinese Characteristics and World Commonalities of the Peaceful Development


Qiao Zhaohong

China In Global Perspective - What Does China Mean for the World?


Gustaaf Geeraerts

The emerging world order and economic security: the China-EU relationship


New Perspectives

Cai Jianna

 ‘Malthus Limit’ and Its Consequences -A Case Study from Wenzhou’s Economic History


Yu Jian

Tao Te Ching and Innovation Theory


Daniel Moser

China after 1949 in Swiss history textbooks from 1950 to 2005


Overseas China Watch

Vladimir Portyakov

The Study in Post-Soviet Russia of International Relations and Foreign Policy of the PRC


Hsuan-lei Shao

The Japanese Asian/China Studies--From Genealogy to Database


Zhang Xin

The Overview of English Books on the Chinese Economy 2011-2015


Bibliography & Reviews

Xu Qingchao

On the Mysterious and Great China’s diplomacy: A Review on Wang Yizhou’s Creative Involvement: the Transition of China’s Diplomacy


Wang Dake

History, Media and Politics: A Review on Colin Patrick Mackerras's Western Perspectives on the People's Republic of China


Xu Bingjie

Can China Avoid the Middle Income Trap through East Asian Model? A Review on Randall Peerenboom’s China Modernizes: Threat to the West or Model for the Rest


Pan Weilin

Newly Published English Books on China-related Subjects