发布时间:2014-10-15 01:43:28


Pan Shiwei

Towards a Chinese Dream that Belongs to the World

Hu Angang

The Chinese Dream in the Context of World Harmony

Martin Jacques

The Chinese Dream: The Future in Historical Perspective

Karl Min Ku

A Cultural Identification System to be Established for Pursuing the Chinese Dream

Guy Alitto

Liang Shuming’s China Dream: a Lifelong Confucian Activist

Qiao Zhaohong

The Chinese Dream: “Wake Up, Stand Up and Take Off”



Xu Qingchao

Building a Mature Society Matters More to the Future of China Than the Search for Wealth and Power: Interview with Professor Satoshi Amako



Zhang Xiping:

Richaid Wilhelm: A Leading German Translator of Traditional Chinese Cultural Classics

Yan Guodong

The Perception of Chinese History and Culture Held by Russian Sinologists in the 18th Century

Ma Jun

Collections of Chinese Books Encountered by the Late Qing Travelers at the European Libraries


Current Observations

Wang Shaoguang

Toward Shared Prosperity: China’s New Leap Forward in Social Protection

Shi Jianguo

Between Rhetoric and Reality: Analyzing the Value System underlying China’s Economic Development

Pan Jiaen, Du Jie, Zhong Fang

The Fracture of Development Illusions and the Rise of Community-supported Agriculture: A Case Study of an Urban Farm in Beijing


China and the World

Zheng Hua

International Communication and China’s National Image Building: A Case Study of New York Times Report on Xinjiang 7.5 Incident”

Carlos Aquino Rodríguez

China and Peru: Relations after 41 years of Diplomatic Links and Three Years of FTA

Sreemati Chakrabarti

The China Success Story: Indian Perceptions and Interpretations


New Perspectives

Mei Junjie

Friedrich List in China’s Quest for Development

Yan Haiping

China Stories: On Developing Cultures and Cultural Dialogues

Mohamed Noman Galal

Chinese Developmental Democracy: Legitimacy of Performance rather than Ballot Box


Overseas China Watch

Cui Yujun

Overseas Studies of Chinese Nationalism: Summary and Analysis

Ge Tao

Chinese Urban History Studies in Japan and South Korea

Zhang Xin

East–West Center and Xinjiang Studies in the US


Bibliography & Reviews

Zhang Weiwei

Learning from the East: A Review on Nicolas Berggruen, Nathan Gardels’ Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century: A Middle Way between West and East

Ye Shulan

The Four Dimensions of “Creative Involvement”: A Review on Wang Yizhou’s Creative Involvement: The Evolution of China’s Global Role

Zhang Bin

The Discovery of the Individual: A Review on Joseph W. Esherick's Ancestral Leaves: A Family Journey through Chinese History

Ren Shiqi

The Study of Women’s Literature in the Ming and Qing Dynasties: A Review on Ellen Widmer’s The Beauty and the Book: Women and Fiction in Nineteenth-Century China

Gu Hongyan

Newly Published Japanese Books on China-related Subjects