发布时间:2014-10-22 01:43:04


Colin Mackerras

China’s Values: Western Images and Realities

Hu Wei

Chinese Political Values and National Image Building: a Soft Power Perspective

Seungil Kim & Liu Yehua

Korea’s perception of China: Status and Issues



Xu Qingchao

China Is Doing What a Great Power Is Supposed To: Interview with Professor Zheng Yongnian



Gao Ruiquan:

One-Century’s Experience for Seeking Equality in China

Qiao Zhizhong

Traditional Notion of History and Its Contemporary Implications

Hans-Georg Moeller

On Weakness/Strength and Sickness/Health in Ancient Daoist Philosophy

Raúl Ramirez

An overview of the Spanish Sinology


Current Observations

Zeng Gang, Xin Xiaorui, Cheng Jin

Rethinking Economic Development in Ethnic Areas with Ecological Fragility: A Case Study of Maqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture

Gao Ziping

On Dual Nationality and Its Implications for China’s Absorption of Overseas Talents

Robert Engelman

Tapping the Potential of China’s Leadership in Green Energy to Promote Global True Sustainability

Tomas Casas i Klett

“Uncertainty over Risk” to Transform China's Growth: Theoretical Basis to Reassess Investment Spending in National Income Simulations


China and the World

Jin Fang

Structural Weaknesses of China’s Economic Growth and the Way Out

Enrique S. Dussel Peters

New Forms of International Cooperation: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean and China

Mohammad Selim

China’s Future Relations with the New Arab World


New Perspectives

Ni Peimin

From Seeking “Legitimacy” to Being a “Legislator” : On the Changing Status of Chinese Philosophy

Lee Pui-tak

The Great Depression and the Chinese Economy in the 1930s

Zhang Ke

Manufacturing “Confucian Humanism” in China


Overseas China Watch

Mei Junjie

Chinese Regulations of Rare Earth Exports Triggering International Disputes

Qiao Zhaohong

A Review of Overseas Studies on the Trend of China’s Economic Development

Pan Weilin

Connecting Confucian Tradition and Contemporary Chinese Political Practice? : A Preliminary Review of the Recent Overseas Scholarship on Confucian Tradition and Democracy

Sheng Wenqin

Changing Media, Changing China?


Bibliography & Reviews

Ma Jun

A Sequel to the Catalogue of “pre-1949 Chinese Translation of Soviet-Russia’s Sinology”

Zhang Chuntian

In search of Chinese Lyricism: A Review of Chan Kwok Kou’s Shuqing Zhongguo lun

Feng Ni

The Construction of “Public Passions” and Its Limitations: A Review of Eugenia Leas's Public Passions: The Trial of Shi Jianqiao and the Rise of Popular Sympathy in Republican China

Zhang Xin

The Remaking of Ideological Hegemony: A Review of Raymond F. Wylie’s Emergence of Maoism: Mao Tse-Tung, Ch'en Po-ta, and the Search for Chinese Theory, 1935-1945

Tang Kunfan

Stand in the Shoes of Chinese Leaders: A Review of David M. Lampton’s Following the Leader: Ruling China, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping

Wang Qing

Inside and Outside the History: A Review of Takeshi Hamashita’s China, East Asia and the Global Economy: Regional and Historical Perspectives