发布时间:2010-10-06 01:37:51


Tang Yijie

Towards an Integrated Perspective: How to think out of the Chinese-Western and Traditional-Modern Dichotomies


Shih Chih-yu

Reflections on the Epistemological Issues in the Literature on China Studies


Christopher. A. Reed

What Can Printing History Add to China Studies



Zhou Wu

Think about China ‘On Their Own Terms’: An Interview with Professor Elman



Yang Guoqiang

China Entered the Treaty System: On Late Qing China’s Self-reform and Reform Forced by the West


Mao Haijian

Perceptions of the West among the Middle-Lower Level Officials and Literati during the Reform Movement of 1898


Catherine Vance Yeh

From the Dregs of the Age to Symbol of Oppressed China: The Peking Opera Singer in 19th and 20th Century Fiction


Ling Shiao

Culture, Commerce, and Connections: The Inner Dynamics of New Culture Publishing in the Post-May Fourth Era


The Currents:

Li Junru

Two Types of Democracy and the Trend of Political Reform in China


Chen Fong Ching

Towards a Dynamic China: On Social Competition and Social Harmony


Zhang Xin

Social Transformation in Modern China: The Contested Issues


Zhao Renwei

Some Thoughts on the Income Distribution in China


China and the World

Zhang Hongyi

China’s Peaceful Development and Its Contribution to a Harmonious World


Tsao Jiun Han

Localization and Globalization: Global Governance and the Construct of Chinese Civilization


Xu Shaoqiang

RMB Convertibility Expected in the Process of Internationalization: Focusing on Shanghai’s Role as an International Financial Center


New Perspectives:

Roy Bin Wong

China’s Economic and Political Reform in Historical Perspective


Neil J. Diamant

The Chinese Marriage Law in Comparative Perspective


Zhou Xiaohong

Dynamics of The Agricultural Collectivization in China, 1951-1958: Social Mobilization in light of the State-Society Relations



Tang Xiaobing

Beyond ‘Left’ and ‘Right’: New Lights on China Studies

  Governing China: From Revolution to Reform by Kenneth Lieberthal


Sun Ge

How China Becomes a Method

  Hôhô to shite no Chûgoku (China as Method) by Yuzo Mizoguchi


Yang Qiyu

Between ‘Late-Development Advantage’ and ‘Late-Development Disadvantage’

Irrational Exuberance by Chen Zhiwu


Chen Dandan

Writing a History Textbook with a ‘Post-modernist Ambition’

China in the World: Studies on Overseas Images of China by Zhou Ning


Pan Weilin

‘Political Culture’ and ‘Cultural Politics’

Publishing and Cultural Politics: A Historical Study of the Late Qing Books on Hygiene by Zhang Zhongmin