International dialogue on Chinese Dream held in Shanghai
发布时间:2013-12-18 01:17:05


SHANGHAI - The realization of the Chinese Dream for the country's population of 1.3 billion will be a great event in human history, said a senior official at a dialogue Saturday in Shanghai.

It will put a new face on China and make a fresh and greater contribution to mankind, said Cai Mingzhao, minister of China's State Council Information Office, while delivering a keynote speech at the International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream.

Cai said that the Chinese Dream has strong appeal because it reflects the wishes of all Chinese for a beautiful future.

The Chinese Dream concept was put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping when he attended an exhibition themed road towards renewal at the end of 2012.

Achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream for the nation in modern times, Xi said.

The Chinese Dream has strong appeal because our people are confident that it can come true, and the people support and trust the new central collective leadership, Cai said.

Cai said the idea of the Chinese Dream has become a driving force behind the deepening of reforms.

Details of the reforms were outlined in a recent key meeting of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

The Chinese Dream has become a strong positive force to lead the country's progress, and as a test ground for reform, Shanghai is striving to contribute more to the exploration and realization of the dream, said Shanghai mayor Yang Xiong.

Shanghai will accelerate the construction of China's first experimental free trade zone (FTZ) and share the fruits of reform and development among the people, said Yang.

Experts from over 20 countries attended the two-day dialogue, which was hosted by China's State Council Information Office and jointly organized by China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration and Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

As Xi has highlighted in numerous comments since the start of his tenure, the aim is to make the country prosperous and strong,  tapping into deep-seated aspirations for China's modern identity, said Gustaaf Geeraerts, director of the Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies.

Realizing the Chinese dream boils down to China becoming a socialist welfare state and a responsible great power, a feat that can only come to fruition in a peaceful international environment or harmonious world, he said.

Xi stressed that the Chinese Dream means the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It embodies achieving prosperity for the country, renewal of the nation and happiness for the citizens.

The Chinese Dream in essence means the dream of the people who live in our great country at this great time to have the opportunity to enjoy a successful life, the opportunity to realize one's dream, and the opportunity to grow and progress together with the country, said Cai.

Xi also emphasized that the Chinese Dream is a dream for peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit for all. It will not only benefit the Chinese people, but also people of all countries in the world, said Cai.

The Chinese Dream will change the global landscape, which was shaped by Western countries in the past two centuries during industrialization, said Martin Jacques, visiting senior fellow with the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Of course, China will be challenged on its right to speak on international affairs from the traditional developed countries, and this process will test the wisdom of the Chinese leaders, he said.

The Chinese Dream's realization will come along with the formation of the new global landscape. It is a good thing for the Chinese Dream to integrate with the world, he added.