Prof. Tim Wright gave a lecture on China Studies in the UK
发布时间:2014-07-08 01:16:23

Prof. Tim Wright, editor-in-chief of the Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies and Emeritus Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Sheffield, visited the Institute of China Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences on 27 June 2014. In his presentation, Prof. Wright first introduced the topics of and intended audiences for the Bibliographies, and then provided an overview of China studies in the UK. The past few decades have seen a shift in the focus from sinology to the study of contemporary China, as well as the rise of a number of new China studies centers in the universities such as Sheffield, Leeds, Nottingham and Manchester, apart from the established ones at the universities of London, Cambridge and Oxford. Prof. Wright also pointed to the difference between area studies and disciplinary approaches to China studies, and the increasingly prominent role of market in the development of China studies in the UK. The lecture was attended by researchers of SASS’s institutes of China Studies, History and Politics as well as journalists from Social Sciences Weekly.  (Hongyan Gu)